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choosing a hotel without considering price

The hotel that you stay at during your travels can make or break your overall experience. If you try to find a hotel that is cheap, you may not have the best possible experience. Unfortunately, the same goes for high-dollar hotels. So, if you cannot base the decision on where to stay on the price, how do you determine what hotel to reserve for your travels? My blog is filled with tips and advice that can help you pick and choose the hotel that will provide you the amenities, comfort and luxuries that you want or need while you are away from home.

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choosing a hotel without considering price

Things To Let Your Bed And Breakfast Know About

by Lilja Maijala

If you don't like how impersonal hotels feel, you might decide to stay at a bed and breakfast. You will stay in a real home, in a residential area, with hosts who treat you like family. For some people, it's a superior experience to staying in a hotel where the employees don't even know your name. 

One thing to consider when staying at a bed and breakfast is that they're a small-scale operation, so it's courteous to let them know certain things so you don't unnecessarily inconvenience them. Of course, things might come up where you can't notify them of certain changes to your plans, specific needs you have, etc. However, if you can make things easier on your hosts by relaying a simple message, you should. 

Your Arrival Time

You can arrive at most hotels any time you see fit, but your hosts at a bed and breakfast might be waiting on your arrival and putting off other plans and duties while they wait. If you plan on arriving later than expected—your flight gets delayed, there's traffic, etc.—just give your hosts a heads up so they can plan accordingly. It's easy to do, and it will make things much easier on them. 

Food Limitations or Allergies

Do you have any foods you're avoiding due to a diet, medical condition, or allergies? If so, just let your hosts know, and they will be sure not to include any of those ingredients in your food. You can also tell them what foods you don't like so you can be sure to enjoy your meals.

If You Plan to Skip a Meal or Eat In Your Room

One of the things that makes a bed and breakfast special is eating meals with the hosts and other guests. However, you might not be up for it for several reasons, and you can choose to skip meals or eat them in your room if that's what you prefer. However, it's polite to let your hosts know rather than springing your decision on them at the last minute so they don't waste time preparing a meal you won't eat or setting the table for you when you plan to eat in your room. 

Any Special Requests

Do you have any special requests that go beyond the standard services that bed and breakfasts provide? Most places will be happy to help you find a good restaurant nearby, give you access to an extension cord, add a portable light to your bedroom, etc., but it's best to communicate your needs with them in advance.

For more information, reach out to a bed and breakfast, such as Apple Bin Inn, near you.
